Founders Thoughts: Process Over Targets | Soul Spaces

Founders Thoughts: Process Over Targets

Joe Gillam

Updated: July 3rd, 2024

Published: November 13, 2023

Soul Spaces founder, Joe, shares insights on leading a business inspired by his fitness journey, emphasising the value of daily improvement over rigid targets.

I have never been too specific with targets. Ultimately, I think success has many metrics and an obsession with a certain target can mislead yourself and others. 

I read an article in Men’s Health recently that really resonated with me. I work out because… well I like working out. I adore running but I don’t love joining race days because it’s all a bit of an effort and my focus on every session is to hit a PB, whether big or small. There is no overarching event or target in sight, it’s just a progressive journey that I am on and do because I personally see it as an intrinsic and valuable journey. 

It’s the same with my business. I’m not hard and fast on targets, I am just trying to do better in today’s 9 hours than yesterday’s 9 hours. I am trying to ensure we improve daily as opposed to having an end goal or a BHAG in sight. The main numbers we need to hit are clear to me and I know what’s in the bank and on the CRM every day but that’s my responsibility as opposed to an obsession. 

I’ve perceived not being an uber target-driven competitive, win by any means type of person as a weakness. Now I see it as a strength. 

Improving the business, like working out, is just something I do. It’s the journey I love being on and it feels good to know I don’t need to obsess about a huge target at the end of it all. Ultimately, a focus on the process and performance of each individual and as a collective will take us in a positive direction, we will then assess and of course, go again. 

Joe Gillam

Joe leads our Office Design and Build team. With over a decade in the workplace industry and five years as MD of the UK’s fastest-growing construction team, he has collaborated with brands like Red Bull, Badoo and Methods. Joe is dedicated to putting people and teams at the forefront of the workplace, maximising investments for ambitious businesses and ensuring every workplace journey is done with SOUL.

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