Soul Spaces founder, Joe, shares insights on leading a business inspired by his fitness journey, emphasising the value of daily improvement over rigid targets.
I have never been too specific with targets. Ultimately, I think success has many metrics and an obsession with a certain target can mislead yourself and others.
I read an article in Men’s Health recently that really resonated with me. I work out because… well I like working out. I adore running but I don’t love joining race days because it’s all a bit of an effort and my focus on every session is to hit a PB, whether big or small. There is no overarching event or target in sight, it’s just a progressive journey that I am on and do because I personally see it as an intrinsic and valuable journey.
It’s the same with my business. I’m not hard and fast on targets, I am just trying to do better in today’s 9 hours than yesterday’s 9 hours. I am trying to ensure we improve daily as opposed to having an end goal or a BHAG in sight. The main numbers we need to hit are clear to me and I know what’s in the bank and on the CRM every day but that’s my responsibility as opposed to an obsession.
I’ve perceived not being an uber target-driven competitive, win by any means type of person as a weakness. Now I see it as a strength.
Improving the business, like working out, is just something I do. It’s the journey I love being on and it feels good to know I don’t need to obsess about a huge target at the end of it all. Ultimately, a focus on the process and performance of each individual and as a collective will take us in a positive direction, we will then assess and of course, go again.