Office Relocation Made Easy: The Ultimate Office Move Checklist | Soul Spaces

Office Relocation Made Easy: The Ultimate Office Move Checklist

Digital Content Manager
Published: February 26, 2024

Moving office can be a significant investment as well as a complex task, but with careful planning and a comprehensive checklist, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition for your team. This guide will walk you through every step, from the initial considerations to move-in day and beyond.


Contemplating the Office Move


Before diving in, take a moment to consider the potential benefits of moving. Are you seeking an improved work environment, better access to talent, or reduced operating costs? Clearly defining your goals will help guide your search and decision-making.

Timing: Is now the right time to move? While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, consider factors like lease expiration dates, growth projections and employee sentiment.

Top Reasons To Make the Move


If you’ve already moved past the contemplation stage, feel free to skip ahead and dive into our office move checklist! We’ve provided a link for you to download an editable version, so you can tailor it to your specific needs and timeline.

  • Improved Workspace Efficiency: Transitioning to a new office offers a fresh start, allowing you to reimagine your workspace to better suit your unique needs and workflows. It’s a chance to depart from a tired environment that may no longer align with your team’s needs or foster productivity and creativity.
  • Elevated Brand Image: Moving into a new, well designed office space not only enhances but also reflects your brand identity, leaving a lasting impression on clients, partners and visitors.
  • Boosted Employee Morale and Productivity: A fresh, inspiring workspace can energise your team and boost morale. It fosters a sense of pride and belonging among employees, leading to increased productivity, creativity and collaboration.
  • Attracting and Retaining Talent: An attractive office space is a powerful tool for attracting top talent and retaining existing employees. It demonstrates your commitment to providing a supportive and enjoyable work environment, which can differentiate you from competitors.
  • Cost Savings and Efficiency: While the initial investment in relocating may seem significant, it can lead to long-term cost savings and improved operational efficiency. You can negotiate better lease terms, reduce overhead costs and optimise your space utilisation.
  • Adaptability and Future Growth: Moving to a new office gives you the opportunity to plan for future growth and expansion. You can choose a space that accommodates your current needs while allowing room for scalability as your business evolves.
  • Geographic Advantage: Relocating to a more strategic location can provide geographic advantages such as proximity to clients, suppliers, talent pools, or transportation hubs. It can also enhance your visibility and accessibility within your industry.


Your Office Relocation Checklist


Now, onto what you’re likely here for! Remember, this checklist serves as a starting point. Tailor it to your unique requirements and schedule and don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance when necessary. With the right planning and execution, your office relocation can be a rewarding and thrilling time for your business.

Click here to download the free, editable version of our office relocation checklist for easy reference and customisation! 


Discovery (18 Months Before Lease Expiry):


1. Appoint a project manager and project team

Choose a team with organisational skills and leadership qualities to oversee the entire process.

2. Review your current commercial property lease

Understand your current terms and any potential penalties for early termination.

3. Research costs and set a budget

Factor in all costs, including rent, legal fees, moving expenses, furniture and potential refurbishments.

4. Conduct a survey of your team’s preferences and requirements for the new office space

Gather input on desired office amenities, work environment preferences and commuting considerations. Your team’s input is essential for ensuring the success of this investment.

5. Create a brief/requirement list 

Crafted based on research, team feedback and the strategic direction set by leadership, this document will guide your search for the ideal space.

6. Narrow down the location

Explore potential locations and narrow down options to three preferred areas based on factors like accessibility and amenities.

7. Consider office brokerage services (Optional) 

Consider partnering with a broker for market expertise and negotiation assistance. 

This is one of our specialties! In 2023 alone, we helped over 40 businesses in finding and negotiating new offices, saving them an average of 29% off their rental terms.

8. Shortlist and view options

Narrow down your choices and schedule viewings to get a feel for each space. This stage demands meticulous attention—remember, your choice will shape your work environment and culture for at least the next 2 or 3 years. 




9. Discuss and select your new office

Present your final choice to stakeholders and get approval before moving forward.

10. Negotiate terms

Secure a favorable lease agreement with clear terms and conditions. Partnering with a tenant representative or office brokerage service is extremely helpful during this stage, offering valuable experience and expertise in negotiating and finalising details. However, be mindful of any associated fees!

At Soul Spaces, our search service is free to use and to be completely transparent, our fee structure depends on the lease terms. We either receive a fee from the landlord or a small fee from you after you’ve signed the contract—no hidden costs involved.

11. Paperwork

Sign all necessary documents and finalise the deal.

12. Conduct an audit of your new office

Determine if any fit out or refurbishment is necessary. If needed, allow for a minimum of 8 weeks (or longer, depending on size) for the entire process. 

Read our comprehensive guide on office refurbishments for a detailed overview of the process and to determine the appropriate timeline based on your new office’s size.


Communication (6 Months Before Move)


13. Inform your landlord/building manager

Provide formal notice of your departure according to your lease terms.

14. Update contracts

Notify all relevant parties of your new address (legal, insurance, etc.).

15. Public and online presence

Update website, social media and online directories with new address.

16. Review and update all delivery subscriptions


17. Internal communication

Send official announcements and FAQs to your team about the move.

18. External communication

Inform external parties about your new location.

  • Clients and Customers 
  • Partners
  • Suppliers
  • Stakeholders
  • Industry Bodies 

19. Internet and telecom

Contact your providers to discuss service transfer or installation at the new location.

Logistics (3 Months Before Move)


20. Finalise paperwork

Ensure all contracts, leases, insurance policies and any other reuired paperwork for your new space are finalised.

21. Inventory and furniture

Assess existing furniture and identify what to keep, sell, or discard.

22. Moving company

Book a reputable company based on your needs and budget.

23. IT and logistics

Coordinate with your IT team and movers to ensure seamless equipment relocation. Identify any new IT hardware you may require ahead of move in day. 

24. Temporary storage

Arrange for temporary storage if needed during the transition.

25. Office Layout

By now, your new office should have a spatial design with allocated zones and areas. Don’t forget to arrange a seating plan for the team to optimise workflow, prevent confusion and enhance employee comfort.

26. Cleaning services

Arrange cleaning services before moving into the new office as well as for checking out from the old office.

27. Security

Evaluate and implement necessary security measures for the new space.

28. Health and Safety

Verify that the new office has undergone all necessary tests and checks, and complies with health and safety regulations.

29. Stationery

Stock up on new supplies for the move and beyond.

30. Internet and Telecom

Check-in with internet and telecom providers to ensure that sufficient checks and tests are completed prior to move in day.

An important tip: At every stage of your office relocation, it’s crucial to ensure that all external parties involved in the process, such as agencies, removal companies, movers, storage facilities, and fit out contractors, have the required insurance coverage.


🎉 Move-in Day 🎉


Congratulations! If you’ve followed each step of our office move checklist, moving day should go by smoothly. After the eventful day, you can swiftly set up your new office and resume business as usual.

Digital Content Manager

Francel is our workplace content, marketing and branding specialist. He has dedicated the past year to mastering the ins and outs of the office space industry, from search to design and build. Having worked with teams from global giants like BMW and MINI to dynamic startups like Let’s Do This, Francel has a unique understanding of how teams operate and how office spaces are utilised to foster success.

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