Finding Office Space at 24 Greville Street for Air Quality Consultants
Office Search

Client: Air Quality Consultants

Industry: Environmental Consultancy

Location: Greville Street – The Office Group, Farringdon 

Project Type: Office Search

Size: 30 Desks

Air Quality Consultants, an industry leader since 1993, sought a workspace as exceptional as their work in the sustainability sector. With expansion on the horizon, they set their sights on Farringdon, in search of a character-rich, design-forward office space.

Our Search Team dove straight into the task of finding a workspace that could accommodate their growing team and mirror their sustainability commitment.

The Gem Unveiled

Faced with numerous options, we narrowed it down to three favorites and arranged two viewings. Amidst the contenders, TOG Greville Street stood out, resonating with the team’s desire for a workspace that blended modern design with historical charm. The building’s age and style perfectly aligned with their vision.

Negotiating Success

Our dedication didn’t stop at discovery; we were determined to make this space not only the right fit but also cost-effective. Through skillful negotiation, we secured a remarkable 15% reduction on the headline rent and the added benefit of three months’ rent-free within a 24-month term.

Paving the Way Forward

Today, Air Quality Consultants thrives in their character-filled, sustainable workspace, ready to spearhead another 29 years of excellence. Our partnership with them exemplifies our dedication to finding spaces that nurture growth, sustainability, and success.