Refurbishing Kisaco Research's Office in Bermondsey | Soul Spaces
Kisaco Bermondsey Office Entrance with Branded Green Wall

Office Design
Kisaco Research

Client: Kisaco Research

Industry: Marketing & Events

Location: Bermondsey, London

Project Type: Office Refurbishment 

Size: 12,000 sq. ft.

Budget: £150,000

Furniture: £20,000

Kisaco Research, a dynamic marketing agency empowering growth leaders, sought a partner to refresh their office space in Bermondsey. As their team transitioned back to hybrid work, the space needed to entice them back, offer diverse workspaces and reflect their brand and culture.

We started by transforming the reception and welcome area. A stunning, bespoke branded green wall greeted visitors, immersing them in a nature-inspired space. A premium timber reception desk and matching furniture complemented the theme, while ample greenery aligned with Kisaco’s vision for sustainability.

The main work zones received a refresh with new paint schemes and motivational graphics that aligned with the brand identity. To cater to diverse work styles and offer escape from desks, we created a series of breakout zones using soft partitions and a variety of modular furniture choices.

Three new meeting rooms and a dedicated phone booth, furnished with curated premium pieces from local providers, offered flexible collaboration spaces for different meeting styles and focused tasks.

The kitchen and dining room received a complete makeover. A high-end tea point with modern appliances ensured a premium experience, while new dining tables and seating encouraged social interaction. We further embraced nature with additional plants and branded the space with matching paint schemes, graphics and a new culture wall featuring team photos on metal grids.

Throughout the project, we prioritised the best value for Kisaco while adhering to sustainable practices. We partnered with local trades and providers and reused as much available material, resources and furniture as possible.